Gallery Expiration Policy

Gallery Expiration Policy

All 2023 January - September galleries are set to expire on 12/31/203. Email reminders are set to go out on  12/26 for those whose galleries will be expiring soon. Please download your galleries before the expiry date. If you need access to your gallery after the expiration date you will be subject to a $100 reload fee. 

Exceptions: Senior and Engagement Galleries. I will keep Senior galleries online until one month after your graduation date. I will keep Engagement galleries online for 6 months.

Gallery expiration policy for 2024 

  • Galleries will expire 3 months after your gallery delivery date*
  • Senior galleries will expire one month after your graduation date
  • Engagement galleries will expire 6 months after your gallery delivery date
  • If you need gallery access after the gallery expiration date you will be subject to a $100 reload fee